Print Issues
Not currently accepting submissions
Print Submissions
The George Mason Law Review publishes four times a year. One to two of issues are published in conjunction with symposia hosted by the Law Review. The remainder of these issues contain four to eight professional articles. All issues contain one to three student pieces. The Law Review only considers student work from Antonin Scalia Law School students for print issues. The Articles Committee will only consider submissions received through this form or Scholastica. Due to the high number of submissions we receive, we are unable to review and respond to each one.
Submission Guidelines
GMLR’s single most important criterion for publication consideration is that a submission must make an original contribution to the scholarly literature on its topic. GMLR also strongly prefers submissions to be double spaced in Times New Roman font with footnotes conforming to A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) (“The Blue Book”).
GMLR Forum
Currently accepting submissions
Forum Submissions
- GMLR Forum submissions should be short, original pieces of timely scholarship on newsworthy topics that are accessible to a wide audience.
- Forum pieces may be short articles, responses to GMLR Articles or Forum pieces, or responses to other articles or essays.
- Pieces may be authored by professors, practitioners, or students.
- Once a piece is selected, it typically takes about six weeks to publish it. GMLR Forum pieces are published on a rolling-basis.
Submission Guidelines
- The ideal Forum piece is between 5,000 and 10,000 words (or 10–20 pages).
- Longer pieces may be accepted for exceptional submissions.
- Forum pieces may be categorized as “Essay,” “Short Article,” “Response to GMLR Article,” or “Response to non-GMLR Article” on the submission form.